Reason 190: Because The Old Schoolhouse Ain’t What It Used To Be

Here is a meme quoting the late Frank Zappa. I assume Zappa was a liberal. There is nothing in his “art” that points to an ultimate creator of beauty, or an objective standard of beauty. But still, he at least understood that trashing the document in which our rights are enshrined, even if for the moment trashing them might help us in a given cause, swings the door open wide for despotism. And I’m fairly sure that door has already blown off its hinges, thank you in large part to the schoolhouse and it’s century-long indoctrination process.

Screenshot (203)

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Filed under Indoctrination, Socialism

One response to “Reason 190: Because The Old Schoolhouse Ain’t What It Used To Be

  1. I’m “stealing” that meme!

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