Category Archives: Secular Humanism

Reason 359: Because Of Your Faith

As you might guess, when I see any article on why children walk away from the faith right at about the same time they finish the 12 years of Secular Humanist indoctrination their parents send them to, I am interested. This article is no different:

God’s Solution to the ‘Nones’ Who Have Left the Faith

A paragraph:

Of this half (more exactly, 49 percent) of “nones” who say they no longer believe, many “mention ‘science’ as the reason they do not believe in religious teachings” while others “reference ‘common sense,’ ‘logic’ or a ‘lack of evidence’ – or simply say they do not believe in God.”

We live in a day when a man will walk into a crowded place, yell Allah Akbar as he’s killing people, and in the aftermath, learned men will stand around and wonder what motivated him to do such a thing. This article is similar. All one has to do is place this paragraph next to what children will be taught in the institution, and the answers should be clear. An image should emerge, especially when parents transfer their authority as guardians and guides over their 6-year-olds, who understand almost nothing about life, to a thoroughly anti-Christ institution. Yet nowhere in this article is public education addressed. Do you want to know what amazes me? It’s God’s grace and mercy in that he allows us to keep 20 percent.

Now for the caveat. Home schooling parents can do lousy jobs of indoctrinating their children into their faith. Also, parents who send their children off to public school can be excellent at teaching their children about God. In the end, not all children who are educated at home keep their parent’s faith. More do, yes, but not all. And sending your young child off to an institution of Secular Humanist indoctrination does not ensure that they will reject your faith. They probably will, but it’s not a given.

I think it’s difficult for us, as adults, to enter the mind of a child, and understand his lack of life experience. 6, or 7, or just 10 years ago she knew zero. She had zero life experience. She was brand new in this world. And then four or five years later she is thrust into a world bent on using her lack of experience to indoctrinate her into Secular Humanism, and then when she grows up in that world the parents are shocked that she has abandoned their faith.

I’m shocked too to tell you the truth. I’m shocked that even one child’s faith survives it. But why take the chance when the stakes are so high? We wouldn’t give anything for the experiences we’ve shared with our children throughout their learning years so far. It has been rich with relationship, fun, and learning. We’ve watched them grow up and learn right before our lives, instead of strangers about whom we’ve known nothing. There is so much more to homeschooling than meets the eye. Please try it and see.

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Filed under Faith, Secular Humanism

Reason 300: Another hecto-post bonus

Today’s post will package lots of reasons in one post. It’s about a website I discovered called Alliance For The Separation Of School And Stateand I’ll share a post from that website that takes a look at a lot of reasons to homeschool.

The post:

Is There a Problem?

And here is an excerpt:

Besides the on-going complaints about poor academic performance, grade inflation, and low expectations, there is also serious concern over such in-school issues as:

  • violence

  • physical and emotional bullying

  • cheating and lying

  • wide-spread immorality

  • drugs and alcohol

  • worldview conflicts

Each one of these points is a reason to homeschool. But there is a deeper reason that the article points to:

Of course, these problems are really symptoms of something deeper… [and] this is important, because it will lead us to the real cause of our public school problems.

The difference is that public schools are controlled by the government and subject to all the ills of government bureaucracy and power.  Private and home schools are run, in varying ways, by parents.

Private schools are dependent upon the satisfaction of parents in order to remain in business.  They do not control the children in their care. Instead, families retain their authority and “hire” the schools for certain aspects of raising their children.

I love the name of this organization because it plays off the name of a God-hating organization that is, of course, welcomed with wide open arms into the public school: “Americans For The Separation Of Church And State” (AFTSOCAS)  And this is a fairly apt name for this organization because we know that it has no problem with religion being in the schoolhouse. It’s only problem is with one religion, the one that worships in a Church.  Otherwise, we know, and so does the AFTSOCAS, that the state education institution is a religious institution.  So if we don’t want religion in the institution that educates our children, namely the established religion of America, Secular Humanism, the only way to not have it is to home educate (or according to this article, private school) and keep the state and its religion far at bay.




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Filed under Academics, Courts, Education, Religion, Secular Humanism

Reason 279: For The Same Reason You Don’t Let Your Children Play Russian Roulette

I saw this little quote recently:

“Just because a young man survives pagan instruction is no reason for subjecting him to it. Children sometimes survive diphtheria or infantile paralysis, but we do not try to give it to them.” – Gordon H. Clark

I can imagine a guy defending Russian Roulette like this: “Well my children played it, and nothing bad happened to them! Sooo… it must be okay. Right?

Sorry folks but playing Rusian Roulette is not wise. But what is more foolish is playing it with the lives of our children.  So how foolish is it when you play this game with, not your children’s lives, but with their eternal destinies? Yet folks do it every day. It’s quite the normal thing to do actually. That’s why I say this is the day for being abnormal, and homeschooling. It’s not only wiser, it’s safer to boot.

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Filed under Secular Humanism

Reason 277: Because The Institution Doesn’t Know The Difference Between A Congressman And A Seven-Year-Old

In my last post, I talked about words. So this post cites another example of words redefined. But first, let’s look at the so-called establishment clause:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

So what do these words mean? It means what those in power want them to mean. It’s obvious that they can’t mean they say because of this:

School Calls Police on Seven-Year-Old Who Brought Bible Verses to Read at Lunchtime

It looks as thought these guys think this child is the state and was establishing his religion in the schoolhouse. Of course looks can be deceiving… or maybe not so much in this case. This is the way religions operate now, and the way they’ve always operated. And it’s why the establishment clause was put  in the constitution in the first place. Religions are jealous, and once they’ve deceived the multitudes they can’t very well have any strange religions taught.  Secular Humanism IS the established religion in the state-run schoolhouse. And so these people are simply acting like the religious people they are.

No Christian would send their children to a Buddhist temple, or a Mosque for an education. But every day they send their children to a religious institution to be indoctrinated into a new religion. Why?

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Filed under Religion, Secular Humanism

Reason 271: Because The School System Is Broken

Sam Sorbo sums up this entire blog in this short interview:

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Reason 270: Because Those Who Know, Say No To Government Schooling

Don’t think that I don’t realize how radical I sound in these posts. But these are radical times. It’s difficult to realize that while being emersed in the incrementalism. But it’s good to hear that I’m not the only one saying these things:

Are Public Schools Teaching Your Child An Alternate Religion?

The title of my post is based on this paragraph in the article:

But, my greatest insight into public schools has been through my husband, who has taught in them for more than 30 years. He is the one who opened my eyes to the religion being promoted in the public schools. And interestingly, when he shares this view with students, they wholeheartedly agree.

I’ll paste the first paragraph of this great article below. But please click over and read it. This woman make’s an excellent case for what I keep saying here, which is that government schools are religious schools and the religion it’s teaching ain’t Christianity, it’s Secular Humanism. A bit:

A bit:

Would you send your children to a Muslim school? I have yet to find a Christian parent who says yes to that question – and the reason is obvious. We don’t want our kids indoctrinated into Islam. We want them to become Christians.

Yet, currently in the United States, 84% of Christian parents send their children to schools teaching an alternate religion. These schools may be billed as religiously neutral, but make no mistake: public schools are religious institutions, enthusiastically promoting the religion of secular humanism.

We might as well face it. Most Christianity in America is at best Joel Osteen light.  It is a, isn’t-God-good,-he’s-given-us-this-3000-square-foot-house-in-a-nice-neighborhood-with-good-schools-and-both-of-us-good-jobs Christianity. Most people wouldn’t know Secular Humanism if it turned their children into good Marxist atheists ready to spill their blood for the cause of “homosexual equality” and “earth worship”.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you. I know that I’m asking you to reject what seems “normal”. But when you live in a society in which it’s normal to chop up babies and sell their parts, and which argues over what bathrooms are appropriate in the new and capricious alternative reality, and that teaches its children that’s there’s no such thing as objective truth, then not being “normal” is a good thing. It feels kind of strange at first, but then it begins to feel normal… very normal.


Filed under Secular Humanism

Reason 250: Because Even Though The Schools May Look Different, They’re All Cut From The Same Cloth

I grew up in a very rural part of America. I began school in the little schoolhouse just down the street which was a picture of the old going out and the new coming in because of the schoolhouse itself. It consisted of an old and a newer section.  The newer section was a small addition that housed a lunchroom and 4  classrooms. It was a typical 1960’s government design. Rectangular, metal rectangle windows, and of course a flat roof. The old section had four classrooms that were at each corner of an auditorium. Its roof had a high pitch and its windows had a grid pattern; they were tall and were made of wood.  all of this gave it character and personality. The two buildings standing there together provided a nice juxtaposition of eras; the old and the new.

But there was nothing rural about the education that went on inside. It was straight from Washington whose agenda was being installed into my head even then, and even way our there in the sticks… an agenda that I lived by for years much to my shame. Fortunately, I figured out that the whole thing was nothing but a great big fat lie. So the thought of putting my children out on the side of the street every morning for the yellow monster to eat up never even entered my head.

No matter where you live, your schoolhouse is a different culture than yours and is controlled from on high by the state. It may look different than those on the “bad side” of town, and it may have newer paint and all, but’s it the same old schoolhouse teaching the same old religion on the inside… because that’s the law.

So I found this. It’s a short clip from the documentary “indoctrination”, a surreal little video that takes a deep look at American schools from a Christian perspective:

If you haven’t seen the documentary “Indoctrination”, please do. Click here for the info. But if you want to keep thinking that somehow your situation is different, then please don’t watch this film, because it ain’t different. Yes, the state is doing everything it can to turn your child into a mindless slave that worships that same state. It’s in the state’s best interest to do this. But it’s not in your best interest to let them. And it certainly isn’t in your child’s best interest.

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Filed under Indoctrination, Secular Humanism, Sex

Reason 222: Because Church Leaders Were Not Homeschooled

This may seem like an odd reason, so let me explain. I’ll start by strongly asserting that no one, not me, not you, not anyone, can live their lives in a culture and not be affected by it.  Like it or not, you’ve imbibed more of the culture than you realize, and you, right now, are believing some lie hat was implanted there by your culture. The same goes for me.  Fixing that starts by realizing that it is so. The next step is to ferret out untruths through prayer and steeping one’s self in the Bible. The vast majority of church leaders, even great ones whom I admire, have not realized the need for this first step.

One of the most insidious problems is that we live in a material worshipping culture. So it only stands to reason that we are “materialist” to some degree, and in that degree are caught up in materialism. Why else would a parent, who abhors everything that the ACLU, the butchers at Planned parenthood, the LGBT, GLSN, the Atheists stand for, send their children to an institution that is controlled by these very organizations?  The answer is materialism. There is a fear that their little Johnny will not get that good education and will then not be able to enjoy the material comforts of our modern society. And they fear that so much, that they will ignore the ever increasingly blatant reality that the schoolhouse is the worst place to send their children, and send them there anyway, just like most of the pastors and leaders in their churches do.

I’ve been going to church for about 25 years now, and I’ve heard almost nothing in those 25 years on child rearing. And not only will most of the children of the pastors walk away from their father’s faith, most of the children in the congregation will walk away too. And evidently it has never occurred to anyone that perhaps someone ought to rethink the past century’s approach to Godly childrearing. Let’s be honest. If we can’t save our own children, what gives us the idea that we’re going to have any impact at all on this world?

This brings me to an author I have a lot of respect for, and for whom I continue to respect. But he is wrong on this one issue. It is my guess that he, himself, spends scant time teaching his congregation to be disciplining parents, even though they’ve had very little help in that area except for what our disintegrating culture has taught. (…and maybe I’m wrong about his church, but I know I’m not wrong about almost every other church) But it’s worse than all that. Most pastors went to government schools, as did their parents. It would be nothing less than foolhardy to assume that many generations into the downward spiral of public education has had no impact on the way we all think.  But that’s just it. We really believe that we’ve escaped the downward spiral. Perhaps it’s because we’re not homosexuals, and nor or our children… yet. Or perhaps it’s because we’re decent human beings, at least compared to everyone else. Sure we check out the porn sites every now and then. And we’re paying HBO or “Game Of Thrones”. But we’re not like those child molesters and murderers and thief and all. Why we drive new cars and live in a nice neighborhood.   Sorry, We are all in the downward spiral together, and unless we begin to see that, we’ll never understand the huge part that our own educations in the public school played in our current deception.

This pastor’s name is Tim Challies, and he writes this article:

Stop Slandering Public School Teachers

I would take issue with Mr. Challies on three points. First, I’ve read his writings about his own childhood, how he would watch his parents read the Bible and pray, and demonstrate the Christian life before him. I’m sure that he does the same thing before his children, and I’m confident that his children will turn out fine, in spite of the institution’s intentions otherwise. But he will be, again, the exception. I hope he’s devoting a fair amount of time helping the parents in his congregation do the same thing. I hope he’s shepherding his congregation as fellow parents. But again, I doubt that he is. My guess is that his congregation is like most others who are losing most of their children to moral relativism and Secular Humanism. And in our modern day churchness, their children can abort their babies, fornicate, shack up, abandon their families, and marry people of the same sex right there in the church with much applause from the congregation on the grace of God.  Perhaps his church is doing marginally better than that. I hope that it is.

I also take issue with him on slandering teachers. I have friends who are teachers. I have a lot of respect for Christain teachers, or even just good teachers. But opposing the institution and its evils, as we all should be doing, does not equate to slandering teachers. Furthermore, a few good experiences had by a few people does not offset the evil being perpetrated on your children first, and on the culture as a whole, by the institution.  All evil institutions, if they’re actually are going to have an evil impact, cloak their evil in goodness and kindness.  One think I can say for certain, none of the good teachers spoken of by Mr. Challis, nor Mr. Challis himself, can preach the Gospel in the schoolhouse. But the Atheist is free to preach atheism, and the homosexual is free to preach sodomy, and the butchers at planned parenthood are free to preach promiscuity and murder. Now if that doesn’t give the good Christain pause, I’m not sure what would.

Third, Mr. Challis needs to realize that the institution is not an irreligious institution. I’ve heard it said that if you want to know about water, don’t ask a fish. In the same way, I would say that if you want to know about Secular Humanism don’t ask a Westerner, because he is so surrounded and steeped in it that he doesn’t even realize that it’s his own state’s established religion. Would Mr. Challis send his child to a Muslim school? Or a Buddist school? And then would he defend the “teachers’ when someone pointed out that perhaps that’s not the greatest idea for a Christian parent? I’m guessing not. But Mr. Challis is sending his children to a Secular Humanist school, and he has no problem with that. The reason? No one can live their lives in a culture and not be affected by it.


Filed under Religion, Secular Humanism, Worldview

Reason 220: Because The Effects Of The Schoolhouse Compound Over Time

The effects of compounding interest are an amazing thing. A small amount of money receiving interest over a lifetime will explode. The schoolhouse is similar. The Facebook video below kind of makes my point. It is of a woman shooting her children’s iPhones with a shotgun. But she seems oblivious that the problem is not with the iPhones but with her children. But Most likely, if she wants to dig deep enough she’ll find that the problem is even deeper than that. To get at the root of the problem, she might start by looking in the mirror.

What she will see in that mirror is a daughter of Adam, and there’s only one cure for that. I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that she was raised in the Bible Belt, which is unfortunate in some ways because that region gave people a sense of morality without the source of morality. She was probably sent to the schoolhouse her whole life and taught there that the only acceptable source for morality was the god/state while the true source, God, was hidden and forbidden. She was probably raised by parents who were exposed to the same thing, but to a lesser degree. Now she’s sending her own children to the same schoolhouse, and she now thinks she can turn all that around by shooting their phones. Here’s the video:

“I Hereby Denounce Social Media”

It wouldn’t surprise me if she spent her childhood in the Church where a lot of moralism was taught, but very little repentance and Jesus. My advice to her is to take a long look into that mirror, realize who she is before God, and then repent and beg for His mercy. Then, and only then, might she have a chance at salvaging her poor offspring, who are already young adults, and have already been steeped their entire young lives in secular humanism.

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Filed under Lawlessness, Moral Relativism, Secular Humanism

Reason 216: Because Undoing What The Institution Does Is Harder Than You Think

I thought this meme was apropos for the institution. You think you can teach your morals while the school teaches its science. That is foolhardy thinking. Little Johnny might not learn much science. But you can bet he’ll come out of the system as a solid secular humanist, ready for serfdom in the god/state empire. And who would know that better than one of the first and most worshipped secular humanists of all?

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Filed under Indoctrination, Secular Humanism