Category Archives: Education

“If you feel incapable of teaching your own children it’s because you were taught that you were not capable”

Great video:

More quotes:

  • Homeschooling seems like a radical idea. Why? Because we are [indoctrinated]  (my word, not hers, but still the same thing)   to think that way.
  • But instead [of being self-learners] public schools teach children that they must be
  • in a classroom with an instructor to learn.  (Why? Because the institution is first and foremost about power and union jobs, not teaching your children.)
  • [Public school children] only know what they’ve been taught, and can not think for themselves, so anything that challenges their worldview is perceived as hostile… (ever wonder why disagreement has become synonymous with hate?)
  • Public school forms a wedge between the child and the parent.
  • The school challenges the parent’s authority from day one. (And parents help. By sending their child to the government indoctrinators, the child can only see that as their endorsement of the indoctrinators)
  • Parents surrender their children to literal strangers. (There was a time when this was not necessarily true. A parent could at least have a little confidence that the worldview of the “strangers” would be somewhat in step with their own. Nothing could be further from the truth in this age. Not only is the parent handing their children to strangers, he is also handing his children off to people who are strange.)
  • Instead of utterly enervating, homeschooling is empowering. (The institution goes on about  “empowerment”. But it is beholden to Marxist empowerment which only prepares them for slavery and submission to the state while promising a Utopian paradise of equality.  If you want to truly empower your children, keep them far away from the institution.)
  • Have you ever done homework with your child? Then you’ve homeschooled. (The great thing is, however, that since the institution is so inefficient and distracted, and has higher priorities to indoctrinate your child into Marxism, sodomy, radical feminism, perversions, and America-hatred, that they’re already being homeschooled by you in the evenings, it’s just called homework. Why not remove the garbage from your child’s education? Remove the institution.) 

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Filed under Diversity?, Education, Unions, Worldview

Reason 349: Because It’s The Best Way To Educate

Very few people with school-aged children were not educated and indoctrinated by the government.  Government education is the norm, and so consequently, anything different is… well… different. It’s strange. And as with anything “strange”, it takes thinking outside of the government indoctrination box to fully grasp that strange thing from a clear perspective.

Today we have a great article to share that does as good as I’ve seen in describing the many advantages of educating your children at home with as outside-the-institutional-box thinking as I’ve ever seen. It comes highly recommended, and here it is:

Homeschooling is the smartest way to teach kids in the 21st century



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Reason 343: Because The Government Really Doesn’t Want Your Child Educated

Here is an article by a great of our time, Mr. Thomas Sowell:

Are We Serious About Education?

He starts out with two events as examples:

One of these events was an announcement by Dunbar High School in Washington, D.C., that it plans on August 19th to begin “an entire week of activities to celebrate the grand opening of our new $160 million state-of-the-art school building.”

The painful irony in all this is that the original Dunbar High School building, which opened in 1916, housed a school with a record of high academic achievements for generations of black students, despite the inadequacies of the building and the inadequacies of the financial support that the school received. By contrast, today’s Dunbar High School is just another ghetto school with abysmal standards…

[Abother] high school…  has been ranked among the best high schools in the nation. Its students’ test scores rank first in its district and fourth in the state of California.  But the California State Board of Education announced plans to shut down this charter school — immediately.

Why would the institution rather build buildings and shut down high-ranking charter schools than educate? Because that’s how monopolies have always operated. Who in their right mind would actually do the hard work of educating children when it’s much easier to put on a show and spend other people’s money? And this is especially so when you have the power to shut down anything that might show your incompetence?  Certainly not the institution, because you must realize that the institution’s interests not children. No, its interest is perpetuating itself as the money laundering, indoctrination scheme that it is.

What fascinates me the most though is how many people there are who think they’re not qualified to teach their children, and who are afraid that they would give their children a sub-standard education. Those who think this way have eyes and minds. They see what the school is doing, and what they’re teaching, and yet they are still somehow snowed into thinking that the institution has cornered the market on a decent education.

Yet more and more are seeing the light and are saying goodbye, thank you very much, keep the change but leave me alone.  Don’t be one of the last ones to escape the institution. Get out now. You’ll be glad you did.

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Filed under Education, Unions

Reason 342: Because It’s Dimes For Dollars Cheaper

I’ve pointed out many times here that the schoolhouse is a money laundering scheme. The teacher’s  unions fill political campaign coffers and in return, those politicians increase spending on schools, and round and round it goes. The losers? Taxpayers and students.

Here is an article that discusses the cost of educating a child expensively, with poor results:

What did these schools produce while spending more than $18,000 per student? Not well-educated children.

In the Philadelphia public schools in 2015, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress scores published by the Department of Education, 80 percent of eighth graders were not grade-level proficient in math. Eighty-four percent were not grade-level proficient in reading.

In the Detroit public schools, 96 percent of eighth graders were not grade-level proficient in math. Ninety-three percent were not grade-level proficient in reading.

In the District of Columbia public schools, 83 percent of the eighth graders were not grade-level proficient in math. Eighty-one percent were not grade-level proficient in reading.

I can’t understand anyone who bases their decision to not home educate on fear of failing their children. Two things to understand. The schoolhouse is lost. Children are natural learners.

And there’s one more thing to understand. Ignorant people make great slaves, and they’re easy to enslave.


Filed under Education, Unions

Reason 314: Because I’m An Expert, And I Say So

Yes, I’m an expert on education. What credential’s do I have to prove it, you ask?  Well, as an expert, how could I be wrong about being an expert? I’m credentialed by an expert, me. And since 75 percent of American students, who are in the statist school, do worse than my students, I’d say that the proof is in the statist pudding. Wouldn’t you?

Of course, that’s all nonsense.  But so is much of what the “experts” say. We only get fad after fad from this expert’s best idea ever, or that expert’s brainchild, with an increasingly deteriorating, expensive, bloated failure of a system. And all the while no “expert” wants to look at the King Kong-sized pink elephant walking around the schoolhouse compound, which is family. No, we can’t have that because that means patriarchy, and homophobia, and racism and all the other so-called phobias that the state fears.


I was thinking about myself this morning, one of my favorite things to do. My wife and children know that I love self-deprecating humor, and they all hate it. No family member wants to hear their father or husband often refer to himself as a moron, and I can understand that. But the truth is, I am a moron… in some areas. When it comes to administrating our household, complete and utter moron. When it comes to fixing the washing machine, genius. When it comes to language arts, average, I guess. When it comes to using money to make money, moron of morons.  When it comes to fatherhood, we’ll see. When it comes to seeing the big picture, expert. When it comes to attention to detail, moronic. I could go on… and on, but  you get the point.

Everyone is like this. We all have our strengths and weaknesses in many many ways and on many levels.  Now for a challenge to you. Bring 30 sixth graders into your house for an hour each weekday for 3 months with the goal of teaching them how to pass a Common Core test. Now, at the end of that time sit down and write about the many strengths and weaknesses of each child and how the state can cultivate their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses while at the same time still affording to fund the generous administrator and teacher pensions. Ok, forget the pensions, tell me how they could they do it if there actually wasn’t a dollars-for-votes union/government pension program.  Answer? They can’t.

Children are so unique and complex, just like the grownups they will become. And the more an education is tailored to a child’s unique giftings and challenges, the better that student is going to fair, and the more the chance for success in character, knowledge, understanding and wisdom that child will have. The state can never provide this. But you can, and if you want your child to get a real education, you must.

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Reason 307: Because Age Segregation Is Not A Good Thing

A friend mentioned that he was talking to a homeschooling parent and asked her what her reasons were for homeschooling. He told me that none of her reasons have been mentioned here. I went back and looked and I think he’s right, at least not in a title.  So here we go.

So I found this article:

Age Segregation in School

Like most articles on home education, this article is focused on reform of the education institution. I hope you, dear reader, understand that that’s not going to happen. The administration of the institution, you might say, is in a steel reinforced concrete bunker a thousand feet thick. Nothing is going to get through to them. Their minds are in a jar and the lids are on tight. Those who suggest reform can’t seem to understand that the statist institution is a success beyond the wildest dreams of those who concocted it, and whose bones are now moldering in the grave. There will be no reform, only reinforcement.  So lets get on with some excerpts from the article:

Some people think it is “natural,” or even beneficial, for children to be confined with other children of approximately the same age for most of each school day, but this is a recent, mistaken idea promoted by education bureaucrats.

“The fact is, however, that most American schools were ungraded until the second half of the nineteenth century, the graded school having been introduced in the United States in 1848, when the Quincy Grammar School in Boston, Massachusetts, opened its doors. A number of educators, impressed with the graded schools they had seen in Germany, had been proposing adoption of the technique in this country. The Quincy School was the first built for that purpose; it contained twelve rooms of equal size, four to a floor, in which a teacher and some fifty-five children would meet for a year at a time. The men who created the school predicted that it would set the pattern of American schooling for another fifty years. Their estimate was clearly conservative.”

Does it seem odd to anyone that what someone experiences for most of their formative years seems “natural”?  Well of course it seems natural. It defines our very existence as youngsters and young adults.  But, as we can see in the exerpt, age segregation is a relatively new idea. But interestingly enough, with the advent of homeschooling, there are enough adults out there who have escaped the age segregated experience to use as a control group in order to study the long-term effects of it. This article cites one of those studies here:

Interesting evidence suggesting how much age-grading dumbs down schoolchildren today comes from the contrasting experiences of homeschoolers, who don’t have to stick to the average schedule of other children their age. The Rudner 1998 study of homeschooled students [link to a different Web site]analyzed standardized test scores of a large sample of homeschooled students. Rudner is an educational researcher who is not himself a homeschooler. He notes that many homeschooling parents in his study voluntarily gave their children standardized tests for one or even two “grade levels” higher than what their children would be assigned to in an age-segregated school, but the children still scored well above national norms.

I agree with this only partly because the thinking behind it is stratified.  It seems to imply that if the state ever decided against age segregation that it could provide a better more uniquely tailored education. But that’s like suggesting that if all the tires on a car are flat the car will be fine if you put air in only one tire. It ignores the most important ingredient of all in education: love.  The love brings about the one on one instruction. And second down on that list is time. The institution doesn’t foster real education time, it steals it from family time which is some of the best educational times available. But the state sends your child home with loads of homework that eclipses time spent with family. It is robbery.

In the beginning of our homeschooling endeavor, I didn’t think much about age desegregation, but as time passed and I begin to see my children’s comfort in interaction with all ages, including those very young and old. I can vouch that it is a great benefit.  It also allows my children to forego a feeling, or perhaps a sense, that was ingrained into my mindset, and I didn’t even know it.  I thought that advancement in life would come automatically with age. I can remember how odd is was to learn that outside of the campus culture the boss was not necessarily older than the employee.  It truly was a strange concept to me. Of course, that was then. Those were thoughts thought by a young and ignorant young man who’d been thoroughly indoctrinated.

But your children don’t have to grow up like this. Their life can be more realistic. And the best education they can get is one that won’t require them to uneducate themselves from their “education” for the rest of their lives.




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Filed under Education, Family

Reason 306: Because There Are Options And No Options, And You And Your Child Should Know The Difference

Let me start by saying that much more is caught by your children than is taught to them. If you call in sick when you’re not sick in front of your children, you’re teaching them. When you cheat in some way in front of them, you’re teaching them. When you talk bad about your spouse, friend, church or whatever in front of them, you’re teaching them.  And… when you send them to a school that sets aside a week to memorialize sin, you’re teaching them.

But worse, our actions not only teach our children, they teach our grandchildren. Whatever life experience we immerse our children in, that experience will be the basis for normal for them. You send your child to the statist school because that is what is normal. And it’s normal because that’s what you yourself experienced. So as society deteriorates, and as that deterioration is accompanied by increasing despotism, you can expect that your grandchildren will be trained for slavery to the extent that you yourself never imagined.

So let’s look at this article:

San Ramon: LGBT curriculum riles some middle school parents

This is the typical article common today. Parents not comfortable with the speed at which they are asked to change their view of reality are putting up just a little bit of fight. No worries however for those they’re fighting against. Even if the parents don’t buy in 100 percent, they know they already have the children. But there is one thing in the article that I want to focus on, and it’s this:

There is one thing in this article that I want to focus on, and it’s this:

A parent from San Ramon wrote, “Even though there is an opt out, the kids will be discussing it. There is truly no opt out.”

What I want to focus on is the fast one being pulled over parent’s eyes by this whole understanding of “opting out”. But my take is a little different from this parent’s take. In my view the school ought to require parents opt their children in. This would change everything. But that’s exactly why they make you opt out. But the time is close at hand there will be no options at all. More and more schools are continuing the inevitable slide to forcing students in their charge into what can only be described as “re-education” courses for those raised in “Christian” homes. One can only wonder how much longer it will be legal for parents to opt out of the shebang.

But by the providence of God, that option still exists and that’s exactly one parent in the article did by keeping his children home through the whole week of honoring unnatural and sinful behavior. But don’t make the mistake that this same parent did by turning right around and sending your child back to an institution that is just happy as it can be to waller in the rot of sin after the gay days are done. To do such a thing is to teach them. No, keep your child at home for good and teach them in the ways of reality and righteousness.




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Filed under Education, Government, Homosexual agenda

Reason 300: Another hecto-post bonus

Today’s post will package lots of reasons in one post. It’s about a website I discovered called Alliance For The Separation Of School And Stateand I’ll share a post from that website that takes a look at a lot of reasons to homeschool.

The post:

Is There a Problem?

And here is an excerpt:

Besides the on-going complaints about poor academic performance, grade inflation, and low expectations, there is also serious concern over such in-school issues as:

  • violence

  • physical and emotional bullying

  • cheating and lying

  • wide-spread immorality

  • drugs and alcohol

  • worldview conflicts

Each one of these points is a reason to homeschool. But there is a deeper reason that the article points to:

Of course, these problems are really symptoms of something deeper… [and] this is important, because it will lead us to the real cause of our public school problems.

The difference is that public schools are controlled by the government and subject to all the ills of government bureaucracy and power.  Private and home schools are run, in varying ways, by parents.

Private schools are dependent upon the satisfaction of parents in order to remain in business.  They do not control the children in their care. Instead, families retain their authority and “hire” the schools for certain aspects of raising their children.

I love the name of this organization because it plays off the name of a God-hating organization that is, of course, welcomed with wide open arms into the public school: “Americans For The Separation Of Church And State” (AFTSOCAS)  And this is a fairly apt name for this organization because we know that it has no problem with religion being in the schoolhouse. It’s only problem is with one religion, the one that worships in a Church.  Otherwise, we know, and so does the AFTSOCAS, that the state education institution is a religious institution.  So if we don’t want religion in the institution that educates our children, namely the established religion of America, Secular Humanism, the only way to not have it is to home educate (or according to this article, private school) and keep the state and its religion far at bay.




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Filed under Academics, Courts, Education, Religion, Secular Humanism

Reason 297: Because It’s Not “IF” Your Child Will Glum Onto A Cause, It’s “What” Cause Will He Glum Onto

I don’t know if it’s always been this way, but I’ve noticed in the last decade the prevalence of causes.  There’re PETA and others for the cause of so-called animal rights. There’s a whole cadre of organizations for the cause of environmentalism and adjusting the planet’s temperature. You have the cause to keep the butchering of babies and the selling their body parts found in organizations like PP legal. There’s the cause for racism found in organizations like the NAACP and BLM.  There is the cause against God’s Church with organizations like the Americans United For Separation Of Church And State.  There’s the ACLU with the cause of destroying America.  And you have, of course, the cause celeb of all causes of our day, the destruction of the family found in organizations like LGBT.

To be sure there are causes of all stripes, and there are good causes and right wing causes as well.  But when it comes to the institution you could use as  a litmus test as to whether or not a  cause is good and decent by whether or not they are received with a warm welcome at the schoolhouse. You can be sure that anything decent will be rejected, demonized and impugned inside the fence that surrounds that piece of property in your neighborhood.

Moles dig, birds fly, beavers dam and so on because that’s what they were designed to do. And man is designed to glum onto causes, and so that’s exactly what he does. He can no more not glum onto a cause than a beaver can not dam a river, or a mole could be happy keeping is nose clean. For me, I’m for the cause of Christ, His glory, and the Gospel. I write these posts because people who say that they are for the same cause are sending their children off to an institution to be indoctrinated into an opposing cause. When I go to homeschool conferences it’s not uncommon to hear it said that Jesus should be in every subject we teach.  But when you go to the institution you get something that looks more like this:

Ontario gov’t tells court: No opt-outs for LGBT lessons, it’s embedded in all subjects and grades

God had this to say about raising our children:

“You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates…”

Where does man’s hubris fit into this? And by “man’s hubris” I mean his notion that he has any control whatsoever over the earth’s temperature; or person’s gender. He can no more bring peace on earth by piling onto the society he enslaves millions of laws, codes, regulations, and ordinances than he can cause sharks to stop attacking people by posting a sign on the beach. He’ll never achieve equality because there is no such thing. It’s hubris heaped on hubris. He creates from thin air his fantasies and then worships those fantasies as he wastes life and resources on chasing them. And he’s doing all of this for a thing that’s not even definable, much less achievable.  Ahh but that’s the voice of reason inserting itself into what? Well, into a fantasy land.

But by God’s providence, you don’t have to give these little man-gods access to your child’s mind. Your child’s future is very serious business. The world is pulling you toward worldly things. But God has provided a path away from those same worldly things and you should seriously consider taking it.

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Filed under Cause, Education, Homosexual agenda

Reason 291: Because All God’s Children Are Different

One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is 1st Corinthians 12.  Paul, dealing with division in the Church speaks of the different gifts God gives to all, and how all those gifts collectively make up the Body of Christ. That chapter has had a big impact on me. The impact is not only in how I see the world but also how I see my children. They are unique individuals and not the product of some assembly line somewhere.

The state has always had one impossible problem when it came to a conveyor belt education, and now it has two. The first and enduring problem is with your child’s uniqueness. All the state can muster is a conveyor belt education which actually works for the children who fit the proper mold. For those who don’t, too bad, so sad. You expect too much.  But the recent problem is much worse and it’s based on the state’s interest. If you assume that the state really does have your child’s interest at heart, which it may have had in the beginning, it obviously doesn’t now. To make assume otherwise is one of the most hazardous and unsafe assumptions you’ll ever make, with really high stakes because the state school does not care about your child. The purpose of your child, as far as the state is concerned, is to justify the greedy money-laundering, power-grabbing, scheme we now call public school.  It exists to ensure that the next generation thinks the way the state wants it to think so that each so that each new generation may be more easily herded into the Marxist slave mentality the state needs it have.  And if the schoolhouse has had success in our day, it is in doing this.

Here is an interesting video by a young man who gets it:

I can remember many teachers humiliating me in front of the class. My 5th grade was a nightmare because I was sectioned off in one row of dumb or slow students. We always went last to everything as if to punish or humiliate us for “being slow”.  I have no idea what they thought they’d accomplish by that. (“They” because it was a husband and wife team who both adhered to each other’s policies in their perspective classes) School was not something that I graduated from per se, it was something I survived. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Sure, there are good teachers in there trying. But it’s hard, given the restraints put on those teachers by the state, for them to actually make up for the serious harm done to other students by bad, tenured teachers.

You may think that you’re not educated enough to homeschool. That’s what you’re supposed to think. But that’s just a big fat lie. Don’t sell yourself short. In many subjects my wife and I both learned with our children as we taught them.  Home schooling is exploding and the markets are meeting the new demand. There’s every imaginable kind of curriculum out there. And in these days we have You Tube, which is a virtual education in its own right. Get your children out of the state school yesterday. You will be better off. The nation will be better off. But best of all, your cildren will be better off.



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